Activities for schools 22-23
2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education (3-6)
The Lab 0_6 provides a series of activities aimed at boys and girls and the teachers of interested schools. The activities offered below are aimed at the 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education (3-6). al 2n cicle d’Educació Infantil (3-6).
Obrirem les inscripcions per al curs 2023-2024 la segona quinzena de juny
Activities for 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education (3-6)
We suggest spending a whole morning of science combining two activities, one of free choice (Exploration in the Lab) and another one focused on a specific challenge (Water of Colours or Balls of Earth).
The Lab is a free-choice science area where all the activities encourage the development of scientific ideas in children that the teachers can follow up on later at school to continue progressing in this field.
In the Water of Colours activity, we propose the following challenge: to dye water using natural elements which have different colours.
In the Balls of Earth activity, we suggest making balls with different types of soil in order to highlight the fact that different soils have different properties
In all cases, the idea is to promote a scientific look at world phenomena, through the children’s own initiative regarding the materials. In this way, their natural curiosity is fostered, and the emergence of questions is encouraged.
Each group carries out two activities throughout the morning. You can choose the option that suits you best:
Option 1: Exploration in the Lab + Water of Colours
Option 2: Exploration in the Lab + Balls of Earth
In order to get the most out of the session, it is recommended that at the beginning of the year the teachers attend the face-to-face talk “Science for early ages” which is held at the Lab headquarters in the FUB4 – UEducation building (the green building). If it is not possible to attend, it is advisable to watch the following vídeos before the visit.
Per inscriure’s és indispensable enviar un correu a amb la següent informació:
– Nom del centre
– Població
– Grups i nombre d’infants
– Opció escollida
– Preferències de calendari
– Persona de contacte
– Correu electrònic de contacte
– Telèfon de contacte
– Observacions
Us contactarem per a concretar i confirmar. Les inscripcions es faran per estricte ordre d’arribada del missatge amb la informació. Cal que confirmeu la reserva fent un pagament a compte a l’avançada.
En cas que, finalment, no vingueu al Lab 0_6, no us retornarem aquest import si no és per una causa de força major, que haureu de justificar.
- Lloc: Lab 0_6 a Manresa.
- Horari: matins de dilluns a divendres.
- Durada: 3 hores aproximadament.
- Nombre d’infants: 2 grups (màxim 25 cada un).
- Adreçat a: EI 3 anys, EI 4 anys i EI 5 anys.
- Preu: 10 €/infant
- Preu reduït: 5 €/infant d’escola de màxima complexitat