Center for discovery, research, and documentation for scientific education in early childhood
Science education
Children at early ages
With them we foster interest in science based on personal initiative in solving challenges, making intentional decisions and participating in positive scientific learning experiences.
Education professionals
We support the initial training of preschool teachers and the permanent training of active teachers. In addition, together with teachers, we also develop innovative experiences which can be carried out in schools.
The importance of science
Science should be for everyone
We want to bring scientific knowledge closer to the early ages. It is a first step to naturally involve people in scientific decisions. Science is an engine of change and progress in human societies and all citizens should have an interest in it.
Science is a tool for understanding the world
Our activities aim to stimulate children’s natural curiosity and encourage their reasoned intervention about reality.
Science provides key experiences for personal development
We offer children an opportunity for learning and experimentation in order to arouse their interest and motivation in the scientific world.

Knowledge transfer
A team of researchers from the Child Education studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Manresa (UVic-UCC) work within the framework of Lab 0_6 to generate, transfer and disseminate knowledge linked to science didactics for children aged from 0 to 6 years old.