Activities for schools 22-23

1st cycle of Early Childhood Educacion (0-3)

The Lab 0_6 provides a series of activities aimed at boys and girls and the teachers of interested schools. The activities offered below are aimed at the 1st cycle of Early Childhood Education (0-3).

We will open inscriptions for the 2023-2024 course during the second half of juny

Activities for 1st cycle of Early Childhood Education (0-3)


In order to avoid the logistical difficulties involved in transporting children, we organise visits to nursery schools ourselves with the Lab on Wheels, a van equipped with specific exploration material for children up to 3 years old. The visits include activities designed to provide children with rich and engaging experiences based on autonomous action and personal initiative, which can easily be set up in any fair-sized multipurpose room in a school.

During the first term, we also offer this activity for 3-year-old children in infant education.

In order to get the most out of the session of the Lab on Wheels, it is recommended that at the beginning of the year the teachers attend the face-to-face talk “Science for early ages” which is held at the Lab headquarters in the FUB4 – UEducation building (the green building). If it is not possible to attend, it is advisable to watch the following  vídeos. before the visit.

Activity included in the catalogue of the Council of Barcelona (requested through the Town Hall).

Per inscriure’s és indispensable enviar un correu a amb la següent informació:

– Nom del centre
– Població
– Nombre de matins
– Preferències de calendari
– Persona de contacte
– Correu electrònic de contacte
– Telèfon de contacte
– Observacions

Us contactarem per a concretar i confirmar. Les inscripcions es faran per estricte ordre d’arribada del missatge amb la informació.

  • Schedule: One morning organised to provide activities for 2-3 groups (45-minute session per group). From Monday to Friday. From 9 to 12 approximately.
  • Price: 220 euros (surcharge of €55 for trips over 50 km).
  • Registration: Please register by sending an email to with the requested information.