

The Knowledge Construction Research Group (GRECC) aims to deepen the understanding of how knowledge is constructed in different learning contexts.

Grup de Recerca en Construcció del Coneixement (GRECC)

The Knowledge Construction Research Group (GRECC) aims to deepen the understanding of how knowledge is constructed in different learning contexts. By doing so, key aspects can be identified related to the design of educational practices and how these designs create models of knowledge production which in turn, can guarantee the democratisation of education and diversity in a broad sense.

The former Research Group in Education, Neuroscience and Experimentation [GRENEA] of the Manresa Campus, has been incorporated into the dynamics of the GRECC as a research line on “Places of science and inclusivity”. It is coordinated by Dr Gabriel Lemkow-Tovias.

Research Projects

Science on wheels

Lead Investigator: Dr Montserrat Pedreira Álvarez
Research entity: Faculty of Social Sciences of Manresa. University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC)
Funding entity: Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
Grant amount: €22,000
Project number FCT-16-11603

Cognitive strategies in children’s experimentation process

Lead Investigator: Dr Gabriel Lemkow-Tovias
Research entity: Manresa Campus of the University of Vic- Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC)
Funding entity: (UVic-UCC)
Duration: 3 years
Grant amount: €21,720